borg tag

borg [common options] tag [options] [NAME]

positional arguments


specify the archive name

optional arguments

--set TAG

set tags (can be given multiple times)

--add TAG

add tags (can be given multiple times)

--remove TAG

remove tags (can be given multiple times)

Common options

Archive filters — Archive filters can be applied to repository targets.

-a PATTERN, --match-archives PATTERN

only consider archives matching all patterns. see “borg help match-archives”.

--sort-by KEYS

Comma-separated list of sorting keys; valid keys are: timestamp, archive, name, id, tags, host, user; default is: timestamp

--first N

consider first N archives after other filters were applied

--last N

consider last N archives after other filters were applied

--oldest TIMESPAN

consider archives between the oldest archive’s timestamp and (oldest + TIMESPAN), e.g. 7d or 12m.

--newest TIMESPAN

consider archives between the newest archive’s timestamp and (newest - TIMESPAN), e.g. 7d or 12m.

--older TIMESPAN

consider archives older than (now - TIMESPAN), e.g. 7d or 12m.

--newer TIMESPAN

consider archives newer than (now - TIMESPAN), e.g. 7d or 12m.


Manage archive tags.

Borg archives can have a set of tags which can be used for matching archives.

You can set the tags to a specific set of tags or you can add or remove tags from the current set of tags.