borg repo-space

borg [common options] repo-space [options]

optional arguments

--reserve SPACE

Amount of space to reserve (e.g. 100M, 1G). Default: 0.


Free all reserved space. Don’t forget to reserve space later again.

Common options


This command manages reserved space in a repository.

Borg can not work in disk-full conditions (can not lock a repo and thus can not run prune/delete or compact operations to free disk space).

To avoid running into dead-end situations like that, you can put some objects into a repository that take up some disk space. If you ever run into a disk-full situation, you can free that space and then borg will be able to run normally, so you can free more disk space by using prune/delete/compact. After that, don’t forget to reserve space again, in case you run into that situation again at a later time.


# Create a new repository:
$ borg repo-create ...
# Reserve approx. 1GB of space for emergencies:
$ borg repo-space --reserve 1G

# Check amount of reserved space in the repository:
$ borg repo-space

# EMERGENCY! Free all reserved space to get things back to normal:
$ borg repo-space --free
$ borg prune ...
$ borg delete ...
$ borg compact -v  # only this actually frees space of deleted archives
$ borg repo-space --reserve 1G  # reserve space again for next time

Reserved space is always rounded up to use full reservation blocks of 64MiB.