This section provides information about security and corruption issues.
(nothing to see here yet)
Compatibility notes:
this is a major “breaking” release that is not compatible with existing repos.
We tried to put all the necessary “breaking” changes into this release, so we hopefully do not need another breaking release in the near future. The changes were necessary for improved security, improved speed and parallelism, unblocking future improvements, getting rid of legacy crap and design limitations, having less and simpler code to maintain.
You can use “borg transfer” to transfer archives from borg 1.2/1.4 repos to a new borg 2.0 repo, but it will need some time and space.
Before using “borg transfer”, you must have upgraded to borg >= 1.2.6 (or another borg version that was patched to fix CVE-2023-CVE-2023-36811) and you must have followed the upgrade instructions at top of the change log relating to manifest and archive TAMs (borg2 just requires these TAMs now).
command line syntax was changed, scripts and wrappers will need changes:
you will usually either export BORG_REPO=<MYREPO> into your environment or call borg like: “borg -r <MYREPO> <COMMAND>”. in the docs, we usually omit “-r …” for brevity.
the scp-style REPO syntax was removed, please use ssh://…, #6697
ssh:// URLs: removed support for /~otheruser/, /~/ and /./, #6855. New format:
-P / --prefix option was removed, please use the similar -a / --match-archives.
archive names don’t need to be unique anymore. to the contrary: it is now strongly recommended to use the identical name for borg create within the same series of archives to make borg work more efficiently. the name now identifies a series of archive, to identify a single archive please use aid:<archive-hash-prefix>, e.g.: borg delete aid:d34db33f
in case you do NOT want to adopt the “series name” way of naming archives (like “myarchive”) as we recommend, but keep using always-changing names (like “myserver-myarchive-20241231”), you can do that, but then you must make use of BORG_FILES_CACHE_SUFFIX and either set it to a constant suffix (like “all”) or to a unique suffix per archive series (like “myserver-myarchive”) so that borg can find the correct files cache. For the “all” variant, you must also set BORG_FILES_CACHE_TTL to a value greater than the count of different archives series you write to that repo. Usually borg uses a different files cache suffix per archive (series) name and defaults to BORG_FILES_CACHE_TTL=2 because that is sufficient for that.
the archive id is always given separately from the repository (differently than with borg 1.x you must not give repo::archive).
the series name or archive id is either given as a positional parameter, like:
borg create documents ~/Documents
borg diff aid:deadbeef aid:d34db33f
or, if the command makes sense for an arbitrary amount of archives, archives can be selected using a glob pattern, like:
borg delete -a ‘sh:myarchive-2024-??-??’
borg recreate -a ‘sh:myarchive-2024-??-??’
some borg 1.x commands that supported working on a repo AND on an archive were split into 2 commands, some others were renamed:
borg 2 repo commands:
borg repo-create # was: borg init
borg repo-list
borg repo-info
borg repo-delete
borg repo-compress
borg repo-space
borg 2 archive commands:
borg create NAME …
borg list ID
borg extract ID …
borg diff ID1 ID2
borg rename ID NEWNAME
borg info ID
borg delete ID
borg recreate ID …
borg mount -a ID mountpoint …
For more details, please consult the docs or --help option output.
create/recreate/import-tar --timestamp: defaults to local timezone now (was: UTC)
some deprecated options were removed:
removed --remote-ratelimit (use --upload-ratelimit)
removed --numeric-owner (use --numeric-ids)
removed --nobsdflags (use --noflags)
removed --noatime (default now, see also --atime)
removed --save-space option (does not change behaviour)
removed --bypass-lock option
removed borg config command (only worked locally anyway)
compact command now requires access to the borg key if the repo is encrypted or authenticated
using --list together with --progress is now disallowed (except with --log-json), #7219
the --glob-archives option was renamed to --match-archives (the short option name -a is unchanged) and extended to support different pattern styles:
id: for identical string match (this is the new default!)
sh: for shell pattern / globbing match (this was used by --glob-archives)
re: for regular expression match
So you might need to edit your scripts like e.g.:
borg 1.x: --glob-archives 'myserver-2024-*'
borg 2.0: --match-archives 'sh:myserver-2024-*'
use platformdirs 3.x.x instead of home-grown code. Due to that:
XDG_*_HOME is not honoured on macOS and on Windows.
BORG_BASE_DIR can still be used to enforce some base dir + .config/ or .cache/.
the default macOS config and cache dir will now be in ~/Library/Application Support/borg/.
create: different included/excluded status chars, #7321
dry-run: now uses “+” (was: “-”) and “-” (was: “x”) for included/excluded status
non-dry-run: now uses “-” (was: “x”) for excluded files
Option --filter=… might need an update, if you filter for the status chars that were changed.
borg is now more strict and disallows giving some options multiple times - if that makes no sense. Highlander options, see #6269. That might make scripts fail now that somehow “worked” before (but maybe didn’t work as intended due to the contradicting options).
Please note:
Beta releases are only for testing on NEW repos - do not use for production.
For upgrade and compatibility hints, please also read the section “Upgrade Notes” above.
New features:
delete: now only soft-deletes archives (same for prune)
repo-list: --deleted lists deleted archives
undelete: undelete soft-deleted archives, #8500
chunks index cache:
enable partial/incremental updates (F_NEW flag).
write chunks index every 10mins, #8503. this makes sure progress is not totally lost when a backup is interrupted.
write to repo/cache/chunks.<HASH> to enable parallel updates.
mount: fix check_pending_archive to give correct root dir, #8528
Other changes:
repo-compress: reduce memory consumption (F_COMPRESS flag)
files cache: reduce memory consumption, #5756
check: rename --undelete-archives to --find-lost-archives
check: rebuild_archives_directory: accelerate by only reading metadata
shell completions: adapt zsh for borg 2.0.0b13 - needs more work!
chunk index: rename .refcount to .flags, use it for user and system flags.
add bookworm32 box for 32bit platform testing
fix pythons on freebsd14
simplify openindiana box setup
remove --bypass-lock, small changes regarding compression
FAQ: clean up entries regarding SSH settings
New features:
implement special tags, @PROT tag for protecting archives, #953.
borg won’t delete/prune/recreate protected archives.
prune: add quarterly pruning strategy, #8337.
import-tar/export-tar: add xattr support for PAX format, #2521.
simple error msgs for existing / non-existing repo, no tracebacks, #8475.
mount: create unique directory names, #8461.
diff: suppress modified changes for files which weren’t actually modified.
diff: do not test for ctime difference on windows.
prune: fix exception when NAME is given, #8486
repo-create: build and cache an empty ChunkIndex.
work around missing size/nfiles archive metadata, #8491
lock after checking repo exists, #8485
Other changes:
new file:, rclone:, ssh:, sftp: URLs, #8372, #8446.
new way to deal with absolute vs. relative paths.
require borgstore ~= 0.1.0, require borghash ~= 0.0.1.
new hashtable code based on borghash project:
borghash replaces old / hard to maintain _hashindex.c code.
implement ChunkIndex, NSIndex1, FuseVersionsIndex using borghash.HashTableNT.
rewrite NSIndex1 (borg 1.x) on-disk format read/write methods in Cython.
remove NSIndex (early borg2) data structure / serialization code for repo index.
change xxh64 seed for ChunkIndex to invalidate old cache contents.
chunks index: show hashtable stats at debug log level, #506.
check (repository part): build and cache a ChunkIndex.
check (archives part): use cached ChunkIndex from check (repository part).
export-tar: switch default to PAX format.
update URL docs
mount: document on-demand loading, perf tips, #7173.
borg/borgfs detects internally under which name it was invoked, #8207.
better link modern return codes, #8370.
binary: using the directory build is faster, #8008.
update “Running the tests (using the pypi package)”, #6386.
github CI:
temporarily disabled windows CI, #8474.
msys2: use pyinstaller 6.10.0.
msys2: install rclone.
rename test files so that pytest default discovery finds them.
call register_assert_rewrite before importing borg.testsuite.
move one directory level higher.
remove hashindex tests from selftests (borghash project has own tests).
New features:
tag: new command to set, add, remove tags.
repo-list: add tags/hostname/username/comment to default format, reorder, adjust.
Idea: not putting these into the archive name, but keeping them separate.
repo-list --short: only print archive IDs (unique IDs, used for scripting).
implement --match-archives user:USERNAME host:HOSTNAME tags:TAG1,TAG2,…
allow -a / --match-archives multiple times (logical AND).
E.g.: borg delete -a home -a user:kenny -a host:kenny-pc
analyze: list changed chunks’ sizes per directory.
locking: also refresh the lock in other repo methods. avoid repo lock getting stale when processing lots of unchanged files, #8442.
make sure the store gets closed in case of exceptions, #8413.
msgpack: increase max_buffer_size to ~4GiB, #8440.
Location.canonical_path: fix protocol and host display, #8446.
Other changes:
give borgstore.Store a complete levels configuration, #8432.
check: also display archive timestamp.
use python 3.12.6 for binary builds.
new testing box based on bento/ubuntu-24.04.
install Rust on BSD.
New features:
Support rclone:// URLs for borg repositories.
This enables 70+ cloud storage products, including Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, Ceph, Dropbox, ftp(s), Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft OneDrive, OpenStack Swift, pCloud, Seafile, sftp, SMB / CIFS and WebDAV!
See for more details.
Parallel operations in same repo from same client (same user/machine).
Archive series feature, #7930.
TL;DR: a NAME now identifies a series of identically named archives, to identify a specific single archive, use aid:<archive hash>.
in borg 1.x, we used to put a timestamp into the archive name, because borg1 required unique archive names.
borg2 does not require unique archive names, but it encourages you to even use a identical archive names within the same SERIES of archives, e.g. you could backup user files to archives named “user-files” and system files to archives named “system-files”. that makes matching (e.g. for prune, for the files cache, …) much simpler and borg now KNOWS which archives belong to the same series (because they all have the same name).
info/delete/prune: allow positional NAME argument, e.g.:
borg prune --keep-daily 30 <seriesname>
borg delete aid:<archive hash>
create: also archive inode number, #8362
Borg can use this when using archive series to rebuild the local files cache from the previous archive (of the same series) in the repository.
Remove superfluous repository.list() call. for high latency repos (like sftp, cloud), this improves performance of borg check and compact.
repository.list: refresh lock more frequently
misc. commands fixed for non-unique archive names
remote: allow get_manifest method
files cache: fix rare race condition with data loss potential, #3536
storelocking: misc. fixes / cleanups
Other changes:
Cache the chunks index in the repository, #8397. Improves high latency repo performance for most commands compared to b10.
repo-compress: faster by using chunks index rather than repository.list().
Files cache entries now have both ctime AND mtime.
Borg updates the ctime and mtime of known and “unchanged” files, #4915.
Rebuild files cache from previous archive in same series, #8385.
Reduce RAM usage by splitting the files cache by archive series, #5658.
Remove AdHocCache, remove BORG_CACHE_IMPL (we only have one implementation).
Docs: user@ and :port are optional in sftp and ssh URLs.
CI: re-enable windows build after fixing it.
Upgrade pyinstaller to 6.10.0.
Increase IDS_PER_CHUNK, #6945.
New features:
borgstore based repository, file:, ssh: and sftp: for now, more possible.
repository stores objects separately now, not using segment files. this has more fs overhead, but needs much less I/O because no segment files compaction is required anymore. also, no repository index is needed anymore because we can directly find the objects by their ID.
locking: new borgstore based repository locking with automatic stale lock removal (if lock does not get refreshed, if lock owner process is dead).
simultaneous repository access for many borg commands except check/compact. the cache lock for adhocwithfiles is still exclusive though, so use BORG_CACHE_IMPL=adhoc if you want to try that out using only 1 machine and 1 user (that implementation doesn’t use a cache lock). When using multiple client machines or users, it also works with the default cache.
delete/prune: much quicker now and can be undone.
check --repair --undelete-archives: bring archives back from the dead.
repo-space: manage reserved space in repository (avoid dead-end situation if repository filesystem runs full).
Bugs/issues fixed:
a lot! all linked from PR #8332.
Other changes:
repository: remove transactions, solved differently and much simpler now (convergence and write order primarily).
repository: replaced precise reference counting with “object exists in repo?” and “garbage collection of unused objects”.
cache: remove transactions, remove chunks cache. removed LocalCache, BORG_CACHE_IMPL=local, solving all related issues. as in beta 9, adhowwithfiles is the default implementation.
compact: needs the borg key now (run it clientside), -v gives nice stats.
transfer: archive transfers from borg 1.x need the --from-borg1 option
check: reimplemented / bigger changes.
code: got rid of a metric ton of not needed complexity. when borg does not need to read borg 1.x repos/archives anymore, after users have transferred their archives, even much more can be removed.
docs: updated / removed outdated stuff
renamed r* commands to repo-*
New features:
add BORG_CACHE_IMPL, default is “adhocwithfiles” to test the new cache implementation, featuring an adhoc non-persistent chunks cache and a persistent files cache. See the docs for other values.
Requires to run “borg check --repair --archives-only” to delete orphaned chunks before running “borg compact” to free space! These orphans are expected due to the simplified refcounting with the AdHocFilesCache.
make BORG_EXIT_CODES=”modern” the default, #8110
add BORG_USE_CHUNKS_ARCHIVE env var, #8280
automatically rebuild cache on exception, #5213
Bug fixes:
fix Ctrl-C / SIGINT behaviour for pyinstaller-made binaries, #8155
delete: fix error handling with Ctrl-C
rcompress: fix error handling with Ctrl-C
delete: fix error handling when no archive is specified, #8256 fix import error reporting for cythonize import, see #8208
create: deal with EBUSY, #8123
benchmark: inherit options --rsh --remote-path, #8099
benchmark: fix return value, #8113
key export: fix crash when no path is given, fix exception handling
Other changes: detect noexec build fs issue, see #8208
improve acl_get / acl_set error handling (forward port from 1.4-maint)
allow msgpack 1.1.0
vagrant: use pyinstaller 6.7.0
use Python 3.11.9 for binary builds
require Cython 3.0.3 at least, #8133
docs: add non-root deployment strategy
New features:
create: add the slashdot hack, update docs, #4685
BORG_EXIT_CODES=modern: optional more specific return codes (for errors and warnings).
The default value of this new environment variable is “legacy”, which should result in a behaviour similar to borg 1.2 and older (only using rc 0, 1 and 2). “modern” exit codes are much more specific (see the internals/frontends docs).
implement “borg version” (shows client and server version), #7829
docs: CVE-2023-36811 upgrade steps: consider checkpoint archives, #7802
check/compact: fix spurious reappearance of orphan chunks since borg 1.2, #6687 - this consists of 2 fixes:
for existing chunks: check --repair: recreate shadow index, #7897 #6687
for newly created chunks: update shadow index when doing a double-put, #7896 #5661
If you have experienced issue #6687, you may want to run borg check --repair after upgrading to borg 1.2.7 to recreate the shadow index and get rid of the issue for existing chunks.
check: fix return code for index entry value discrepancies
LockRoster.modify: no KeyError if element was already gone, #7937
create --X-from-command: run subcommands with a clean environment, #7916
list --sort-by: support “archive” as alias of “name”, #7873
fix rc and msg if arg parsing throws an exception, #7885
PATH: do not accept empty strings, #4221
fix invalid pattern argument error msg
zlib legacy decompress fixes, #7883
Other changes:
replace archive/manifest TAMs by typed repo objects (ro_type), docs, #7670
crypto: use a one-step kdf for session keys, #7953
remove recreate --recompress option, use the more efficient repo-wide “rcompress”.
include unistd.h in _chunker.c (fix for Python 3.13)
allow msgpack 1.0.7
allow platformdirs 4, #7950
use and require cython3
move to src/borg/testsuite, #6386
use less, use pip and build
linux: use pkgconfig to find libacl
borg.logger: use same method params as python logging
create and use Brewfile, document “brew bundle” install (macOS)
blacken master branch
prevent CLI argument issues in scripts/
pyproject.toml: exclude source files which have been compiled, #7828
sdist: dynamically compute readme (long_description)
init: better borg key export instructions
scripts/ move clean, build_man, build_usage to there, so we do not need to invoke directly, update docs
use openssl 3.0 on macOS
add script for fetching borg binaries from VMs, #7989
use generic/openbsd7 box
netbsd: test on py311 only
remove debian 9 “stretch” box
use freebsd 14, #6871
use python 3.9.4 for tests, latest python 3.11.7 for binary builds
use pyinstaller 6.3.0
add typical PR workflow to development docs, #7495
improve docs for borg with-lock, add example #8024
create disk/partition sector backup by disk serial number
Add “check.rebuild_refcounts” message
not only attack/unsafe, can also be a fs issue, #7853
use virtualenv on Cygwin
readthedocs: also build offline docs, #7835
do not refer to installation method
how to run the testsuite using the dist package
requirements are defined in pyproject.toml
New features:
BORG_WORKAROUNDS=authenticated_no_key to extract from authenticated repos without having the borg key, #7700
archive tam verify security fix, fixes CVE-2023-36811
remote logging/progress: use callback to send queued records, #7662
make_path_safe: remove test for backslashes, #7651
benchmark cpu: use sanitized path, #7654
create: do not try to read parent dir of recursion root, #7746
Other changes:
always implicitly require archive TAMs (all archives have TAMs since borg 1.2.6)
always implicitly require manifest TAMs (manifests have TAMs since borg 1.0.9)
rlist: remove support for {tam} placeholder, archives are now always TAM-authenticated.
support / test on Python 3.12
allow msgpack 1.0.6 (which has py312 wheels), #7810
manifest: move item_keys into config dict (manifest.version == 2 now), #7710
replace “datetime.utcfromtimestamp” to avoid deprecation warnings with Python 3.12
properly normalise paths on Windows (forward slashes, integrate drive letter into path)
move upgrade / compat. notes to own section, see #7546
fix borg delete examples, #7759
improve rcreate / related repos docs
automated-local.rst: use UUID for consistent udev rule
rewrite borg check docs, #7578
misc. other docs updates
Tests / CI / Vagrant:
major testsuite refactoring: a lot more tests now use pytest, #7626
freebsd: add some ACL tests, #7745
fix test_disk_full, #7617
fix failing test_get_runtime_dir test on OpenBSD, #7719
CI: run on ubuntu 22.04
CI: test building the docs
simplify flake8 config, fix some complaints
use pyinstaller 5.13.1 to build the borg binaries
New features:
diff: include changes in ctime and mtime, #7248
diff: sort JSON output alphabetically
diff --content-only: option added to ignore metadata changes
diff: add --format option, #4634
import-tar --ignore-zeros: new option to support importing concatenated tars, #7432
debug id-hash / parse-obj / format-obj: new debug commands, #7406
transfer --compression=C --recompress=M: recompress while transferring, #7529
extract --continue: continue a previously interrupted extraction, #1356
prune --list-kept/--list-pruned: only list the kept (or pruned) archives, #7511
prune --short/--format: enable users to format the list output, #3238
implement BORG_<CMD>_FORMAT env vars for prune, list, rlist, #5166
rlist: size and nfiles format keys
implement unix domain (ipc) socket support, #6183:
borg serve --socket # server side (not started automatically!)
borg -r socket:///path/to/repo ... # client side
add get_runtime_dir / BORG_RUNTIME_DIR (contains e.g. .sock and .pid file)
support shell-style alternatives, like: sh:image.{png,jpg}, #7602
do not retry on permission errors (pointless)
transfer: verify chunks we get using assert_id, #7383
fix config/cache dir compatibility issues, #7445
xattrs: fix namespace processing on FreeBSD, #6997
ProgressIndicatorPercent: fix space computation for wide chars, #3027
delete: remove --cache-only option, #7440. for deleting the cache only, use: borg rdelete --cache-only
borg debug get-obj/put-obj: fixed chunk id
create: ignore empty paths, print warning, #5637
extract: support extraction of atime/mtime on win32
benchmark crud: use TemporaryDirectory below given path, #4706
Ensure that cli options specified with action=Highlander can only be set once, even if the set value is a default value. Add tests for action=Highlander, #7500, #6269.
Fix argparse error messages from misc. validators (being more specific).
put security infos into data dir, add BORG_DATA_DIR env var, #5760
setup.cfg: remove setup_requires (we have a pyproject.toml for that), #7574
do not crash for empty archives list in borg rlist date based matching, #7522
sanitize paths during archive creation and extraction, #7108 #7099
make sure we do not get backslashes into item paths
Other changes:
allow msgpack 1.0.5 also
development.lock.txt: upgrade cython to 0.29.35, misc. other upgrades
clarify platformdirs requirements, #7393. 3.0.0 is only required for macOS due to breaking changes. 2.6.0 was the last breaking change for Linux/UNIX.
mount: improve mountpoint error msgs, see #7496
more Highlander options, #6269
Windows: simplify building (just use pip)
refactor toplevel exception handling, #6018
remove nonce management, related repo methods (not needed for borg2)
borg.remote: remove support for borg < 1.1.0 ($LOG, logging setup, exceptions, rpc tuple data format, version)
new remote and progress logging, #7604
borg.logger: add logging debugging functionality
add function to clear empty directories at end of compact process
unify scanning and listing of segment dirs / segment files, #7597
replace LRUCache internals with OrderedDict
add installation instructions for Windows
improve --one-file-system help and docs (macOS APFS), #5618 #4876
BORG_KEY_FILE: clarify docs, #7444
installation: add link to OS dependencies, #7356
update FAQ about locale/unicode issues, #6999
improve mount options rendering, #7359
make timestamps in manual pages reproducible.
describe performing pull-backups via ssh remote forwarding
suggest to use forced command when using remote-forwarding via ssh
fix some -a / --match-archives docs issues
incl./excl. options header, clarify --path-from-stdin exclusive control
add note about MAX_DATA_SIZE
update security support docs
improve patterns help
CI / tests / vagrant:
added pre-commit for linting purposes, #7476
resolved mode bug and added sleep clause for darwin systems, #7470
“auto” compressor tests: do not assume zlib is better than lz4, #7363
add stretch64 VM with deps built from source
misc. other CI / test fixes and updates
vagrant: add lunar64 VM, fix packages_netbsd
avoid long ids in pytest output
tox: package = editable-legacy, #7580
tox under fakeroot: fix finding setup_docs, #7391
check buzhash chunksize distribution, #7586
use debian/bookworm64 box
New features:
create: implement retries for individual fs files (e.g. if a file changed while we read it, if a file had an OSError)
info: add used storage quota, #7121
transfer: support --progress
create/recreate/import-tar: add --checkpoint-volume option
support date-based matching for archive selection, add --newer/--older/--newest/--oldest options, #7062 #7296
disallow --list with --progress, #7219
create: fix --list --dry-run output for directories, #7209
do no assume hardlink_master=True if not present, #7175
fix item_ptrs orphaned chunks of checkpoint archives
avoid orphan content chunks on BackupOSError, #6709
transfer: fix bug in obfuscated data upgrade code fix bug in f-string (thanks mypy!)
recreate: when --target is given, do not detect “nothing to do”, #7254
locking (win32): deal with os.rmdir/listdir PermissionErrors
locking: thread id must be parsed as hex from lock file name
extract: fix mtime when ResourceFork xattr is set (macOS specific), #7234
recreate: without --chunker-params borg shall not rechunk, #7336
allow mixing --progress and --list in log-json mode
add “files changed while reading” to Statistics class, #7354
fixed keys determination in Statistics.__add__(), #7355
Other changes:
use local time / local timezone to output timestamps, #7283
update development.lock.txt, including a setuptools security fix, #7227
remove --save-space option (does not change behaviour)
remove part files from final archive
remove --consider-part-files, related stats code, update docs
transfer: drop part files
check: show id of orphaned chunks
ArchiveItem.cmdline list-of-str -> .command_line str, #7246
Item: symlinks: rename .source to .target, #7245
Item: make user/group/uid/gid optional
create: do not store user/group for stdin data by default, #7249
extract: chown only if we have u/g info in archived item, #7249
export-tar: for items w/o uid/gid, default to 0/0, #7249
fix some uid/gid lookup code / tests for win32 be less verbose during cache sync
update bash completion script commands and options, #7273
require and use platformdirs 3.x.x package, tests
better included/excluded status chars, docs, #7321
undef NDEBUG for chunker and hashindex (make assert() work)
assert_id: better be paranoid (add back same crypto code as in old borg), #7362
check --verify_data: always decompress and call assert_id(), #7362
make hashindex_compact simpler and probably faster, minor fixes, cleanups, more tests
hashindex minor fixes, refactor, tweaks, tests
pyinstaller: remove icon
validation / placeholders / JSON:
implement (text|binary)_to_json: key (text), key_b64 (base64(binary))
remove bpath, barchive, bcomment placeholders / JSON keys
archive metadata: make sure hostname and username have no surrogate escapes
text attributes (like archive name, comment): validate more strictly, #2290
transfer: validate archive names and comment before transfer
json output: use text_to_json (path, target), #6151
docs and comments consistency, readability and spelling fixes
fix --progress display description, #7180
document how borg deals with non-unicode bytes in JSON output
document another way to get UTF-8 encoding on stdin/stdout/stderr, #2273
pruning interprets timestamps in the local timezone where borg prune runs
shellpattern: add license, use copyright/license markup
key change-passphrase: fix --encryption value in examples
remove BORG_LIBB2_PREFIX (not used any more)
Installation: Update Fedora in distribution list, #7357
add .readthedocs.yaml (use py311, use non-shallow clone)
fix archiver tests on Windows, add running the tests to Windows CI
fix tox4 passenv issue, #7199
github actions updates (fix deprecation warnings)
add tests for borg transfer/upgrade
fix test hanging reading FIFO when borg create failed
mypy inspired fixes / updates
fix prune tests, prune in localtime
do not look up uid 0 / gid 0, but current process uid/gid
safe_unlink tests: use to support win32 also
fix test_size_on_disk_accurate for large st_blksize, #7250
relaxed timestamp comparisons, use same_ts_ns
add test for extracted directory mtime
use “fail” chunker to test erroneous input file skipping
transfer/upgrade: fix borg < 1.2 chunker_params, #7079
transfer/upgrade: do not access Item._dict, #7077
transfer/upgrade: fix crash in borg transfer, #7156 always use metadata from stats, #7072
benchmark: fixed TypeError in compression benchmarks, #7075
fix repository.scan api minimum requirement
fix args.paths related argparsing, #6994
Other changes:
tar_filter: recognize .tar.zst as zstd, #7093
adding performance statistics to borg create, #6991
docs: add rcompress to usage index
use github and MSYS2 for Windows CI, #7097
win32 and cygwin: test fixes / skip hanging test
vagrant / github CI: use python 3.11.0 / 3.10.8
upgrade pyinstaller to 5.6.2 (supports python 3.11)
use python 3.11 to build the borg binary
transfer: fix user/group == None crash with borg1 archives
compressors: avoid memoryview related TypeError
check: fix uninitialised variable if repo is completely empty, #7034
do not use version_tuple placeholder in setuptools_scm template, #7024
get_chunker: fix missing sparse=False argument, #7056
New features:
rcompress: do a repo-wide (re)compression, #7037
implement pattern support for --match-archives, #6504
BORG_LOCK_WAIT=n env var to set default for --lock-wait option, #5279
repository.scan: misc. fixes / improvements
metadata: differentiate between empty/zero and unknown, #6908
CI: test pyfuse3 with python 3.11
use more relative imports
make borg.testsuite.archiver a package, split archiver tests into many modules
support reading new, improved hashindex header format, #6960. added version number and num_empty to the HashHeader, fixed alignment.
vagrant: upgrade pyinstaller 4.10 -> 5.4.1, use python 3.9.14 for binary build
item.pyx: use more Cython (faster, uses less memory), #5763
Bug fixes:
xattrs / extended stat: improve exception handling, #6988
fix and refactor replace_placeholders, #6966
New features:
support archive timestamps with utc offsets, adapt them when using borg transfer to transfer from borg 1.x repos (append +00:00 for UTC).
create/recreate/import-tar --timestamp: accept giving timezone via its utc offset. defaults to local timezone, if no utc offset is given.
Other changes:
chunks: have separate encrypted metadata (ctype, clevel, csize, size)
chunk = enc_meta_len16 + encrypted(msgpacked(meta)) + encrypted(compressed(data)).
this breaks repo format compatibility, you need to create fresh repos!
repository api: flags support, #6982
OpenBSD only - statically link OpenSSL, #6474. Avoid conflicting with shared libcrypto from the base OS pulled in via dependencies.
restructured source code
update diagrams to odg format, #6928
New features:
massively increase archive metadata stream size limit, #1473. currently rather testing the code, scalability will improve later, see #6945.
rcreate --copy-crypt-key: copy crypt_key from key of other repo, #6710. default: create new, random authenticated encryption key.
prune/delete --checkpoint-interval=1800 and ctrl-c/SIGINT support, #6284
ctrl-c must not kill important subprocesses, #6912
transfer: check whether ID hash method and chunker secret are same. add PlaintextKey and AuthenticatedKey support to uses_same_id_hash function.
check: try harder to create the key, #5719
SaveFile: use a custom mkstemp with mode support, #6933, #6400
make setuptools happy, #6874
fix misc. compiler warnings
list: fix {flags:<WIDTH>} formatting, #6081
Other changes:
new crypto does not need to call ._assert_id(), update code and docs.
check: --verify-data does not need to decompress with new crypto modes
Key: crypt_key instead of enc_key + enc_hmac_key, #6611
misc. docs updates and improvements
CI: test on macOS 12 without fuse / fuse tests
repository: add debug logging for issue #6687 remove trailing blank, add LF at EOF (make pep8 checker happy)
New features:
recreate: consider level for recompression, #6698, #3622
Other changes:
stop using libdeflate
CI: add mypy (if we add type hints, it can do type checking)
big changes to the source code:
split up archiver module, transform it into a package
use Black for automated code formatting
remove some legacy code
adapt/fix code for mypy
use language_level = 3str for cython (this will be the default in cython 3)
docs: document HardLinkManager and hlid, #2388
check repo version, accept old repos only for --other-repo (e.g. rcreate/transfer). v2 is the default repo version for borg 2.0. v1 repos must only be used in a read-only way, e.g. for --other-repo=V1_REPO with borg init and borg transfer!
New features:
transfer: --upgrader=NoOp is the default. This is to support general-purpose transfer of archives between related borg2 repos.
transfer: --upgrader=From12To20 must be used to transfer (and convert) archives from borg 1.2 repos to borg 2.0 repos.
Other changes:
removed some deprecated options
removed -P (aka --prefix) option, #6806. The option -a (aka --glob-archives) can be used for same purpose and is more powerful, e.g.: -a ‘PREFIX*’
rcreate: always use argon2 kdf for new repos, #6820
rcreate: remove legacy encryption modes for new repos, #6490
split repo and archive name into separate args, #948
use -r or --repo or BORG_REPO env var to give the repository
use --other-repo or BORG_OTHER_REPO to give another repo (e.g. borg transfer)
use positional argument for archive name or -a ARCH_GLOB
remove support for scp-style repo specification, use ssh://…
simplify stats output: repo ops -> repo stats, archive ops -> archive stats
repository index: add payload size (==csize) and flags to NSIndex entries
repository index: set/query flags, iteration over flagged items (NSIndex)
repository: sync write file in get_fd
stats: deduplicated size now, was deduplicated compressed size in borg 1.x
remove csize support at most places in the code (chunks index, stats, get_size, Item.chunks)
replace problematic/ugly hardlink_master approach of borg 1.x by:
symmetric hlid (all hardlinks pointing to same inode have same hlid)
all archived hardlinked regular files have a chunks list
borg rcreate --other-repo=OTHER_REPO: reuse key material from OTHER_REPO, #6554. This is useful if you want to use borg transfer to transfer archives from an existing borg 1.1/1.2 repo. If the chunker secret and the id key and algorithm stay the same, the deduplication will also work between past and future backups.
borg transfer:
efficiently copy archives from a borg 1.1/1.2 repo to a new repo. uses deduplication and does not decompress/recompress file content data.
does some cleanups / fixes / conversions:
disallow None value for .user/group/chunks/chunks_healthy
cleanup msgpack related str/bytes mess, use new msgpack spec, #968
obfuscation: fix byte order for size, #6701
compression: use the 2 bytes for type and level, #6698
use version 2 for new archives
convert timestamps int/bigint -> msgpack.Timestamp, see #2323
all hardlinks have chunks, maybe chunks_healthy, hlid
remove the zlib type bytes hack
make sure items with chunks have precomputed size
removes the csize element from the tuples in the Item.chunks list
clean item of attic 0.13 ‘acl’ bug remnants
crypto: see 1.3.0a1 log entry
removed “borg upgrade” command (not needed any more)
compact: removed --cleanup-commits option
docs: fixed quickstart and usage docs with new cli command syntax
docs: removed the parts talking about potential AES-CTR mode issues (we will not use that any more).
Although this was released as 1.3.0a1, it can be also seen as 2.0.0a1 as it was later decided to do breaking changes and thus the major release number had to be increased (thus, there will not be a 1.3.0 release, but 2.0.0).
New features:
init: new --encryption=(repokey|keyfile)-[blake2-](aes-ocb|chacha20-poly1305)
New, better, faster crypto (see encryption-aead diagram in the docs), #6463.
New AEAD cipher suites: AES-OCB and CHACHA20-POLY1305.
Session keys are derived via HKDF from random session id and master key.
Nonces/MessageIVs are counters starting from 0 for each session.
AAD: chunk id, key type, messageIV, sessionID are now authenticated also.
Solves the potential AES-CTR mode counter management issues of the legacy crypto.
init: --key-algorithm=argon2 (new default KDF, older pbkdf2 also still available)
borg key change-passphrase / change-location keeps the key algorithm unchanged.
key change-algorithm: to upgrade existing keys to argon2 or downgrade to pbkdf2.
We recommend you to upgrade unless you have to keep the key compatible with older versions of borg.
key change-location: usable for repokey <-> keyfile location change
benchmark cpu: display benchmarks of cpu bound stuff
export-tar: new --tar-format=PAX (default: GNU)
import-tar/export-tar: can use PAX format for ctime and atime support
import-tar/export-tar: --tar-format=BORG: roundtrip ALL item metadata, #5830
repository: create and use version 2 repos only for now
repository: implement PUT2: header crc32, overall xxh64, #1704
Other changes:
require python >= 3.9, #6315
simplify libs setup, #6482
unbundle most bundled 3rd party code, use libs, #6316
use libdeflate.crc32 (Linux and all others) or zlib.crc32 (macOS)
repository: code cleanups / simplifications
internal crypto api: speedups / cleanups / refactorings / modernisation
remove “borg upgrade” support for “attic backup” repos
remove PassphraseKey code and borg key migrate-to-repokey command
OpenBSD: build borg with OpenSSL (not: LibreSSL), #6474
remove support for LibreSSL, #6474
remove support for OpenSSL < 1.1.1